Saturday, December 12, 2015

ReadTheory-digital reading platform

Tanner, the Founder and writer/editor of +ReadTheory discovered  "the mode of critical thought" through his Philosophy studies at @UNC. He found it "fascinating and empowering." Tanner founded +ReadTheory  with the idea "if all students were given the opportunity to make sound inferences, delineate nuance and focus, understand arguments, and recognize purpose and intent, then they, too, would learn to wield this powerful tool." 

Why do we use +ReadTheory ?  Our school  tried several reading intervention digital platforms. Most of the platforms promise significant research-based growth for intervention students. Unfortunately, their platforms often fall far short of their promise. Some are much too childish for Middle School and High School students. Some do not produce helpful data to determine true growth. Some have lessons that are WAY too long for our students.  Finally, I found ReadTheory. 

We began using ReadTheory with our Pre-AP and AP students. The passages are short, interesting and engage the students. Students regularly stop in the middle of their reading to share their delight in reading and learning. More importantly, we noticed that they happily complete their quizzes. They enjoy earning each new Reading Title, which is a "reflection of the points" they've earned. One student watched his Lexile level fall after his diagnostic. He immediately completed over 60 quizzes to prove that he was a better reader!

We continued using ReadTheory with a few of our elementary classes for Winter Break assignments.
The teachers were intrigued that they could quickly view the Lexile levels, quizzes passed, as well as their mastery of ELA Common Core Standards. Best of all, ReadTheory is FREE!

Looking forward to even more classes moving to ReadTheory after the semester break. I am thankful for this digital reading tool, as are our students. Take a moment to investigate this tool for your students!


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